Backgrounds and stories to old seceurities.

The name ENVEES.

The abbreviation most commonly used by Dutch businesses for naamloze vennootschap is N.V., the plural of which is N.V.’s, pronounced ENVEES, the name of this website.

The basic principles of the naamloze vennootschap (nv) are the foundation on which today’s economic system is built. For more information on the naamloze vennootschap (nv), click here.

The backgrounds and stories of old securities.

Collecting old securities really took off in the 1970s. German stock market traders saw opportunities for old securities as an alternative investment. Soon auctions were organized in Germany exclusively for old securities. Interest was also growing in the Netherlands, and in 1978 the Vereniging van Verzamelaars van Oude Fondsen (VVOF) was founded.

Besides the monetary aspect, the historical significance of old securities was also seen as a reason to collect them. On this site this historical significance is highlighted by paying attention to the backgrounds and stories of old securities.

The Dutch perspective.

The selection of old securities on this site has been compiled from a Dutch perspective. In addition to the securities from the Netherlands and the (former) overseas territories, foreign documents are also shown if there is a Dutch interest.


The most recent stories can be found in the sidebar on the right, a comprehensive list can be found here.

In the sidebar you can also select stories by country or via the calendar by date of posting.

The Index provides an overview of the companies and organizations that play a role in the various stories.